Saturday, February 17, 2007

Critique on Soderbergh's War Film

The latest on Soderberg's recent film:

I'll go to see the movie because Soderbergh has creative genius, because to be creative doesn't mean spewing out creative genius one after the next. The ability to produce cutting edge stuff runs in highs and lows, get it? And you'll always be looking for something new to outshine the past, we live in a world of what else there can be to titillate your fantasy. Now it's all too easy to criticize the film because it 'deconstructs' the cinematic form many film students rave even to today. But that is because we're uneasy about pulling the stops out on the epics like Casblanca even though you get great current star performances, good working scripts and reminiscent camera angles from contemporary films like this. Why is that? Probably because we're so busy respecting the dead that we don't give ourselves the chance to fathom something outside Casblanca and The Dirty Dozen mind schemes. Too bad.