Thursday, May 25, 2006

Recently saw Match Point which although different in some ways to the Woody Allen genre is much the same in how he his actors intermingle and the social banter that oozes out of their mouths. It seems he is a prisoner of his own psychological fears of having to deal with a dominant mother who always has to see her kids married. That has been a subplot in Woody's films for decades.
There is a bit of novel symbolism but nothing original, the tossing of the ring over the canal fence much reminds me of the falling ring in Sixth Sense. Somehow it connects the real world with an ethereal one and it is a parallel to the ball that doesn't make it over the net. They demonstrate the failure of the young man to come to grips with his relentless passion but also to rid himself of any guilt. He is metaphorically throwing the prospects of a peaceful marriage away.

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